Not sure where to start to optimise your website? Our LOOP Website Optimisation Canvas and Scorecard should help. We introduced it in a workshop at the recent NFAN - National Farm Attractions Network conference and it went down well with the delegates. Download your free copy here.
We find the best way to start is:
1. Print it out onto A3 paper, or upload to an online whiteboard like Miro
2. Share with your team
3. Complete the quick scorecard to get a sense of gaps / priorities
4. Start on the canvas sections, work from the middle 'Value Proposition' sections first
5. Use one colour to fill in where you are NOW, and another colour to show where you WANT TO BE in the future (or do a 'now' and 'future' version).
This will help identify gaps, issues and key priorities to work on in the run up to the main season :-)