Benefits For Your Visitors

Although LOOP is designed to make life easier for operators, it is visitors that receive the usability benefits designed into LOOP.

Consistent branding and modern design leaves you in no doubt of the quality of the attraction. However, amazing design is pointless if the end-result is slow to load or clunky - LOOP covers this with fully tested and optimised mobile-first components, built for attractions from the ground up.

LOOP’s modern design and modular approach is designed for the mobile era simplicity, speed and accessibility for all users. It helps to bring your attraction to life online and create that WOW factor before visitors even step into your venue.

Top LOOP Benefits for your visitors...

Because LOOP is continuously enhanced, you can opt out of the 3-4 year redesign cycle and focus on performance.

Save them time with fast navigation and lightning fast page load speeds.
Build customer confidence with clear information, easy pricing and booking information and clear links to relevant booking systems.
Reduce hassle or the need to contact you thanks to our help centre, site search and customer service functionality.
Unlock visitor insights through FAQ ratings, analytics and optional user surveys (as part of LOOP Insights add-on) 
Engage visitors with flagship content, dynamic layouts and custom landing pages
Increase customer satisfaction with sites that are easy to use and easily shows live important information
Reduce customer frustration and get the site capacity to deal with peaks in traffic
Improve engagement with site personalisation or member login functionality (via LOOP Members add-on) 

See more benefits for your attraction.

LOOP + Integrations

Part of what's made Semantic successful over the years is our ability to take complex systems, and make them super simple for guests to understand.

Once you're on LOOP, you'll be able to take advantage of our LOOP development roadmap, where we're looking to add more features, tools and system integrations. We'll be adding core features like itinerary builders, or extra add-on modules like donations and memberships to unlock eCommerce and revenue generation.

Also, don't worry, if you have a specific need, we can quote to build out a feature ahead of the development pipeline so that LOOP can tie in with your systems if needed.

Read more about Semantic on our main website or feel free to get in touch - we’re always happy to help.