Features at-a-glance

LOOP uses 25+ years' of Semantic's experience building attraction & tourism websites.
Get a fast, optimised new website that's always up-to-date, without the hassle.
Optimised Design & FEatures
Fast mobile pagespeed scores and layouts that work across all devices.
Scalable system
Scalable cloud infrastructure that's ideal for attractions of all sizes around the world.
Ongoing Strategy & Support
An always up-to-date site backed by a team of attractions & tourism experts.

Jump-start your online capabilities

With a traditional web build, a significant portion of the budget is required just to lay the foundations. Often budgets are squeezed, so optimisations get missed, reporting gets sidelined, and there's a 'phase 2' of features that never seems to reach the top of the priority list. Often urgent overtakes important.

Migrating to LOOP is easy, we can take care of SEO redirects, content migration and analytics to ensure a seamless transition and unlock a whole suite of online features for attractions much more quickly than if you were to build them all from scratch...

See a summary of features below, or get in touch and we can send you a brochure or go through options on a demo.

Powerful features, out-of-the-box

The LOOP platform gets you a fully optimised attraction website with all the features you need to power your attraction online.
Plus explore our Add-on modules and enhancements to unlock eCommerce, ticketing journeys, memberships, personalisation and more.

Mobile-first designs

Drag and drop interface so you can easily make us of over 20 modules designed for your attraction.

Dynamic page block options

Mobile-first blocks to integrate videos, pricing layouts, timelines, countdown clocks and more.

Fast navigation & search

Site search, mobile nav, accessible menus and editable menu structure so everything is easy to find.

Interactive maps

Add your map graphic to show attractions, facilities or areas of interest.

Customised touch friendly designs

Designs created to suite your brand, with mobile best-practices built in from the outset.

News systems

Show your latest news posts and articles, with tags, rich content and more.

Shows & Events calendar

Showcase any special events or daily shows to help guests have a great visit.

Opening times calendars

Add one or more calendars to ensure your open times are up-to-date through the season.

Areas, listings & filters

Showcase featured areas or attractions and allow guests to filter based on suitability/restrictions.

Image galleries & video

Bring your site to life with easy optimised image galleries, hero areas and embedded videos.

Ops support

Emergency alert messages, custom team CMS access and news system.

Help centre & FAQs

Searchable FAQs, hints and shortcuts for guests to get help fast, but minimising customer enquiries.

Guest reviews

You can add customer reviews and star ratings to help convince new visitors to book.

Single or multi-location

LOOP can scale to support single locations or multi-brands / multi-locations.

Tickets & pricing layouts

Elements to help drive upsells and compare prices to get the best tickets.

Booking links

Prominent calls-to-action and links to booking providers, or the ability to embed iFrames and widgets with more integrations coming soon.

Newsletter & CRM

Ability to capture basic enquiries or push data to Mailchimp and Campaign Monitor (with more CRM integrations coming soon).

SEO & sitemaps

SEO migration, tools sitemap and monitoring/support options.

Accessibility checked

WCAG AA and above compliance for navigation, designs and systems.

Instagram feed

Add your Instagram feed to bring pages to life with dynamic content.

Analytics & GA4 reporting

Reporting, tracking and optional custom dashboards and data visualisation can all be built in (depending on chosen package)

Scalable Cloud Hosting

Industry-leading cloud hosting that can be scaled as your attraction grows online.

CMS access & users

Manage user access for different team members, and get them up and running in 1 hours training or less.

Cookie management

Cookie compliance, terms and privacy page templates ready-to-go.

Plus, coming soon...

We're developing and adding new capabilities to LOOP all the time. Here's a selection of what's planned in our development roadmap...

Seasonal effects

Seasonal effects to add extra immersion to your site at the click of a button.


Scalable to support multiple languages plus right-to-left reading layouts.

Reviews API integration

Customers can submit reviews and star ratings to help convinces new visitors to book.

Visitor Day Planner

Visitors can get a quick view of what's on today to help plan their day.

QR code landing pages

QR code generation to add to your signage and blend the online/offline experience.

Mega menu navigtion

Give visitors a greater user experience by providing deeper levels of navigation.

LOOP v.s. Bespoke

Perhaps the thought of an “out the box” website platform gives you visions of compromise and “me too” design? With LOOP this is not the case, with hundreds of layout combinations and a custom theming layer, LOOP simply delivers websites you can be proud of in a flexible, scalable, optimised mobile first approach.

An elegant, information packed, easy to navigate site is a minimum requirement. Moreover, signposts and calls to action for booking, retail and memberships must be delivered through a seamless interface, minimising drop outs and maximising conversions.  

LOOP delivers all of this and more through a low rental fee with accompanying design and configuration services that will see your site live within weeks not months. Plus, our cloud infrastructure means it never goes out-of-date, and you avoid any maintenance headaches.

LOOP allows you to quickly set up, go live and then continuously review and optimise your digital performance making it an essential part of your digital strategy

Optimised for the future

Our ongoing development roadmap means we'll be adding new features, modules and designs, both as part of your LOOP subscription or as add-ons in the future. Plus of course, we take care of ongoing security, hosting, patches and monitoring too.

Design refreshes

New designs and template updates are enabled each year so your site always stays fresh and up-to-date.

Insights & benchmarking

For attractions that opt-in, we're building out industry benchmarks and tools to help you identify gaps and areas to focus on, giving you a tailor-made online action plan.

Development roadmap

Quarterly feature updates to the core LOOP package, plus new add-on modules in the pipeline.